
Dual control of energy consumption Oct 10, 2021

In September, the China Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued the draft of "2021-2022 Autumn and Winter Action Plan for Air Pollution Management" In September, the China Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued the draft of "2021-2022 Autumn and Winter Action Plan for Air Pollution Management"Human evolution

You may have noticed that this policy has affected the production capacity of some manufacturing companies. However, energy conservation and emission reduction are crucial to improving the living environment for humans. The environment is deteriorating, and this is not solely due to the mode of production but also our modern way of life.

Pesticides sprayed on corn were consumed by birds, resulting in their death. Consumption of shark fin has led to a reduction in the shark population. Wearing fur coats causes suffering to animals. For instance, China's refrigerator production has increased from 50,000 units in 1980 to almost 100,000,000 units. Increased car usage leads to a rise in air pollution. In the USA, there are 850 cars per 1,000 people in 2020. If the car ownership rate in 2030 reaches that of the USA, there would be 1.1 billion vehicles on the roads. It is not just a simple number; if it were true, cars would be rushing into our bedrooms.

That is why we need to change our current lifestyle. Manufacturers are just one part of humanity's way of life. Our planet is burdened by the deteriorating environment caused by our current way of living. If we want to reverse this situation, all human beings must work together.

Improving our environment is a long journey. We are confident that governmental regulation and policy implementation will improve our living environment.

As a Chinese manufacturer, we must improve production efficiency by reducing defect rates and updating service quality. Since 2012, Qingdao Todo Rubber Co., Ltd has invested in upgrading equipment, quality control, the supply chain, and customer service.

The fitness industry has become a significant contributor to the global economy. Since the outbreak of the virus, the growing emphasis on health has led to increased sales of fitness products.

Energy consumption limits