Quality Control

Our professional quality control system starts with materials purchasing. We established our materials supplying chain in 2006 while our first factory came into being. They are DJSilicone, Hongyun and other reliable suppliers in the line. Their high trade reputation coincides with our idea of producing high-quality products for our customers. We are able to test our materials on site and give them our feedback.

Besides, we always have each lot of raw materials trucked to our warehouse recorded after the test. If we found anything wrong, our quality department of our factory will timely come back to our suppliers on the same day and figured out an efficient solution to make sure that our production goes well.


We put our lab into use in 2012. Our Chief Engineer, Mr. Sun retired from the Northwest Rubber&Plastics Research And Design Institute of China, has got involved in more than 20 major projects since 2012. The inspection report is very important for stocking raw materials and products delivery. We guarantee that we never make and deliver poor quality to any one of our new and existing customers.

Raw materials test, design control, document control, prototype, calibration, control of non-confirming sample and the quality records, we have a very strict and professional system to operate.


We do drop test for our rubber bumper plates. This step is to make sure that the finished bumper plates can reach a high rate of drop times. Meanwhile, we put samples of our rubber tiles on the bearing surface, so it can also tell the quality of our rubber tiles when we operate the drop test over our bumper plates.

Rubber tiles are made of recycled rubber materials. With a safe materials purchasing chain, we do not worry of the impurities inside. When the raw material supplying chain is correct, the rest job for us is to make high quality products at competitive price.





Quality inspection & Testing is always the most important procedure in our quality control. Testing devices are very crucial to quality, but we always believe that our professional workers with enthusiasm is the key for us to get the trust from you.